This is where you want to click.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


  • My favorite thing about the holiday season is the music.

I recently found a group called FN-G, they have a few xmas songs out so far and I really like them.
Check-ch-check-check-check-ch-check it out. (Below)
Frosty the Snowman: FN-G

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

  • The sentence above uses every letter in the's called a pangram.
Bet ya didn't know that.

...knowledge isn't free. *cough* *cough*
I still point type, letter at a time but whatev, I've gotten pretty good at it.

again, knowledge isn't free.

Update: Another good one is- The five boxing wizards jump quickly.

Friday, December 17, 2010

A bit "Over the top" some would say.

  • They're called Oakley- Over the Top...cause they go over the top of your head.
I've always been fascinated with these sunglasses. I think they're sweet. Maybe not for everyone, but you gotta think of the people without ears. Only problem is they are super expensive and pretty rare.
 (as seen in SpyKids 3D)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Goodnight, Sleep tight, Don't let the ...spiders... bite.

  • Last night I woke my self up, itching the Subcutaneous tissue outta my skin...okay maybe just the epidermis, but it was bad.
  • I went to the bathroom to check it out and found 4 nickel sized welts on my inner thigh...
  • Still itching, I went back into my room. Put on some anti-itch stuff and went back to bed.
  • Later in the day, i went to the doctor. He gave me 3 things:
    • A steroid shot in the butt to fight it.
    • Perscription for some meds.
    • Advice: Stay away from spiders.
So to reiterate-

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What this is really about. Straight up.

Alright so i still want money, don't think I forgot.

Here's some figures:


But really, all i ask for is .5% (.005) of your money:
  • If you're a Billionaire than .5% is $5,000,000
  • If you're a Millionaire than .5% is $5,000
  • If you have $100,000 than .5% is $500
  • If you have $10,000 than .5% is $50
  • If you have $1,000 than .5% is $5
  • If you have $100, get a job, then we'll talk. 
...really, I'll take anything amount.

He won't judge you on how you look.

  • I have a blind dog.

Before you even think anything, he is cooler than you or your dog is or could ever hope to be.
  • His name is Mack.
  • He is blind.
  • He became blind- kinda like daredevil did, except instead of toxic fluid getting in his eyes, he got hay and dust in them when he was a newborn.
  • This was at a puppy mill. Where they neglected him, gave up on him, and abandoned him.
  • Luckily Westie Rescue came to his aid and helped him recover.
  • Then we adopted him.
 (not actually him, give me a few days to post one of him)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

You'll be famous!


not really.

I'll mention you in a post if you:
  • Donate
  • Follow me
  • Comment
  • Tell me you went to my page

So with that, a special thanks to-
EJ Kohler (First follower/ commenter/ Brother). 
Andrew W. (Page Viewer)(Brother's freshman roommate)
Michael T. (Page Viewer, Follower)(trotnasty)
Ben A. (Page Viewer)
Nick A. (Page Viewer)
Brian F. (Page Viewer/ Follower)(roommate)

Chloe Z.  (Commenter/ Page Viewer/ Girlfriend)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Break?

  • I don't really get a winter break.

My last final was last Friday. I get to go home right? no. I get to spend a whole extra week at Olivet, swimming twice a day.
It's not that bad.
Breakfast at 8, Practice from 9-11, Lunch at 11:30, Practice from 2:45-4:45, Dinner at 4:45.
+ 1 practice Saturday.
                                                    k... so it's pretty bad.

Update: Done with day 2. Overall Feeling: sore, tired, quite tired, weak.
Update: Done with day 3. Overall Feeling: tired, sore, tired, cold.
Update: Done with day 4. Overall Feeling: Swelled, weak, tired.
Update: Done with day 5. Overall Feeling: One more practice! but sooo tired.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Screenname: chadbrochill17

  • I'm not a Bro.

I don't Lax.
I don't live in a Frat house.
I don't buy hats with pre-frayed brims.
Natty Ice is not my drink of choice.
I respect women
...and am capable of making my own sandwiches

Title is a part of the investigation of Bro Rape

Eating for two?

  • I'm pregnant.                    .....okay...I'm not.

  • But my Girlfriend is.     , no, that's a lie too...         

  • But Mariah Carey is!          ...I'm not saying it's mine....but I'm also not saying it isn't.

k. it's not.

"Somehow I've got to buy her these Christmas shoes"

  • Christmas is coming up.

I have a ton of people I have to get gifts for, (You might be one of them). But my funds are currently Low so it looks like I may have to mass produce some macaroni art.


  • My brother wants a Razor scooter. Just something he can get around on. Oh, you wanna know how old he is? 20. Every so often you hear of bikers getting hit by cars, but do you ever hear of people on scooters getting hit? no. -safer option

Title is lyrics from my favorite christmas song Christmas Shoes by NewSong

Friday, December 10, 2010

"Don't blow chunks on me!"

  • Someone threw up on the side of my car.

Yup, I park somewhat near one of the frat houses when I'm at school. I didn't notice it until I was getting gas because I wouldn't normally look at the passenger side door otherwise. I tried to wash it off with the window washer they have there. I was able to get the chunks, of what looked like potato, off but there was still an oily residue.

Title is a quote from the movie: Slappy and the Stinkers